
Monday 28 November 2011

Have you got the balance right?

Companies. Customers. There is a fine line between delivering what suits the company and what customers actually want from a product or service.

After speaking with various marketers, editor of Marketing Week, Mark Choueke, reports on how to ensure customers remain loyal in a competitive market. He concludes that businesses need to re-think what they say to customers and what they can provide to make life easier for them; the more effort asked of customers, the less likely they are to remain loyal. Marketing needs to feel beneficial to the customer without appearing too promotional.

To create the balance between getting your message across while offering worthy information to current customers and prospects, a subtle approach with the help of marketing automation software could be the answer.

The latest solution from Profunnel can assist marketers with their entire marketing activity from a single platform. By capturing data from website visitors and feeding this back to your team in real-time, marketers can approach prospects with information suited to their interests. This can be conducted by way of targeted email marketing created by the various email templates offered by the solution. Therefore news on your company is being delivered while customers receive personalised, relevant messages – keeping the balance just right.

Visit Profunnel for more information on marketing automation.

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